Monitoring OpenStack instances with Grafana, Graphite and Collectd

Ach.Chusnul Chikam
5 min readMar 29, 2021



^ OpenStack Victoria with Kolla Ansible Deployment

^ OS Ubuntu 18.04

^ 2 NIC

^ 4 Host :

  • Controller (8Gb RAM, 4 vCPU, 70Gb Disk)=>
  • Compute1 (8Gb RAM, 4 vCPU, 70Gb Disk)=>
  • Compute2 (8Gb RAM, 4 vCPU, 70Gb Disk)=>
  • Storage1 (2Gb RAM, 4 vCPU, 50Gb Disk1, 80 Disk2)=>

We will install graphite and grafana only on Compute1 then install collected on both Compute1 and Compute2 because these 2 nodes manage the instances. For grafana dashboard we used this reference Monitoring VMs on OpenStack (or KVM) using Graphite + Collectd by Huyen Trang.
Okay lets do it!

1. Install collectd on Compute1 and Compute2

In my environment I have ubuntu, so I use this command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install collectd

For CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat use :

yum install epel-release -y 
yum install collectd -y
yum install collectd-virt.x86_64 -y

2. Install graphite on Compute1

We will install Graphite on Ubuntu 18.04 using Docker so check your Docker service first.

systemctl status docker

Once the docker engine is installed and running, it is time to start docker container for Graphite and Statsd. We will use the official Docker repo for Graphite. Create directories on the host system for persistent data storage:

sudo mkdir -p /data/graphite/{statsd,configs,data}

Graphite & Statsd can be complex to set up. The docker image provided will have you running & collecting stats in just a few minutes. Execute this command:

sudo docker run -d \
--name graphite \
--restart=always \
-p 80:80 \
-p 2003-2004:2003-2004 \
-p 2023-2024:2023-2024 \
-p 8125:8125/udp \
-p 8126:8126 \
-v /data/graphite/configs:/opt/graphite/conf \
-v /data/graphite/data:/opt/graphite/storage \
-v /data/graphite/statsd:/opt/statsd \

Wait for docker engine to download and start docker container for you. Once it is done, see docker container running use: This starts a Docker container named: graphite.

sudo docker ps | grep graphite

Accessing the Graphite Web interface:


3. Install Grafana on Controller

To install the latest Grafana OSS release on Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common wget
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Add this repository for stable releases:

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list

After you add the repository:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install grafana

*For CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat use this command:

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/grafana.repo<<EOF

Install Grafana with one of the following commands:

sudo yum install grafana

Start the service and verify that the service has started:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now grafana-server
sudo systemctl status grafana-server

Access Grafana dashboard http://IP_Controller:3000/
Log in first to Grafana dashboard

Add Data Source and choose Graphite

Fill URL with IP address Compute1 ( )

Click Save and Test

Then Import dashboard template, Click “+” sign → Import → enter the ID of a template (12294)

We already installing collectd, graphite and grafana. Next we configure collectd on Compute1 and Compute2. The configuration file is in /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.

On Compute1:

Hostname    "compute1"  #disesuaikan
FQDNLookup false
LoadPlugin write_graphite
LoadPlugin unixsock
LoadPlugin virt
Interval 120
<Plugin unixsock>
SocketFile "/var/run/collectd-unixsock"
SocketGroup "collectd"
SocketPerms "0770"
DeleteSocket false
<Plugin "virt">
RefreshInterval 10
Connection "qemu:///system"
BlockDeviceFormat "target"
HostnameFormat "uuid"
InterfaceFormat "address"
PluginInstanceFormat name
ExtraStats "cpu_util disk_err domain_state job_stats_background perf vcpupin"
<Plugin write_graphite>
<Node "graphite">
Host "" #IP Address graphite
Port "2003"
Protocol "tcp"
LogSendErrors true
Prefix "collectd.compute1." #disesuaikan
# Postfix "collectd"
StoreRates true
AlwaysAppendDS false
EscapeCharacter "_"

on Compute2:

Hostname    "compute2"  #disesuaikan
FQDNLookup false
LoadPlugin write_graphite
LoadPlugin unixsock
LoadPlugin virt
Interval 120
<Plugin unixsock>
SocketFile "/var/run/collectd-unixsock"
SocketGroup "collectd"
SocketPerms "0770"
DeleteSocket false
<Plugin "virt">
RefreshInterval 10
Connection "qemu:///system"
BlockDeviceFormat "target"
HostnameFormat "uuid"
InterfaceFormat "address"
PluginInstanceFormat name
ExtraStats "cpu_util disk_err domain_state job_stats_background perf vcpupin"
<Plugin write_graphite>
<Node "graphite">
Host "" #IP Address graphite
Port "2003"
Protocol "tcp"
LogSendErrors true
Prefix "collectd.compute2." #disesuaikan
# Postfix "collectd"
StoreRates true
AlwaysAppendDS false
EscapeCharacter "_"

*For Centos, RHEL, Fedora file configuration on /etc/collectd.conf

Restart service, do on both compute1 and compute2

systemctl restart collectd

Check on graphite:

For a few minutes, we will see metrics data on inside collectd folder

Then check on grafana, you will see metrics on Compute1 and Compute2:

The instances metrics can be monitor now, there are CPU, RAM, Disk IOPS, Disk R/W and Network.

Verify workload or instances with OpenStack Dashboard, we will see the number of instances on Compute1 and Compute2

See other content

References :

#OpenStack #MonitoringTools #StayHealth



Ach.Chusnul Chikam

Cloud Consultant | RHCSA | CKA | AWS SAA | OpenStack | OpenShift Certified | Google Cloud ACE | LinkedIn: