Get an Offline Video of Pluralsight
How to decrypt Pluralsight videos in 2021
- Choose the course you want to download, for example, “Migrating to Google Cloud”

2. Download and Install Pluralsight Offline Player from “Download Course” button

or access link

3. Now select “Download Course” and wait for downloading process

4. After downloaded, check on pluralsight offline player directory ==> “C:\Users\i3-jumpserver\AppData\Local\Pluralsight\courses”

5. Check DB location of Pluralsight ==> “C:\Users\i3-jumpserver\AppData\Local\Pluralsight\pluralsight.db”

6. Download Pluralsight Decryptor then extract and set the output directory location. For example:
“output location” ==> “C:\Users\i3-jumpserver\Music\pluralsightdecrypter”

7. For execution, open “cmd” on pluralsightdecryptor location

8. Execute this command:
pluralsightdecrypter decrypt “C:\Users\i3-jumpserver\AppData\Local\Pluralsight\courses” --db “C:\Users\i3-jumpserver\AppData\Local\Pluralsight\pluralsight.db” --trans --out “C:\Users\i3-jumpserver\Music\pluralsightdecrypter”

9. Wait until process is completed

10. Now let's see on the output directory location

11. Compare “Migrating to Google Cloud” contents with the online version of Pluralsight on the website

Thanks me later :)